Part One: This was the first time I have ever done a blind contour drawing. I found that I had an extremely difficult time not glancing at my paper, I would like to keep practicing with stuff like this. I think with practice I would look less at my paper; and that maybe I could not look at my drawing at all.
Part Two: For this I chose one of my funko pops, but one problem I had ran into with this was the fact that what I was drawing was a box. I had ended up drawing it from a slightly tuned pov. I think that this made it more interesting and made me have to think more to add to the drawing.
Part Three: This was my favorite one to do. It was definitely one of the more easy ones for me, since it was using something I’ve done before in it. Still life was something that I had a difficult time doing, but was something that I enjoyed. I think that this turned out well.

